Friday, February 3, 2012

It's more fun in the Philippines

This is the new slogan of the Department of Tourism, "It's more fun in the Philippines". A new way of promoting our Country in the simplest manner that everyone can relate to.A catchy meaning that every tourist in any parts of the World, once visited our country will understand what it connotes. Most of the Filipino's now are more open minded in terms of tourism. Thanks to the technology and social networking, everything is within our reach. Acknowledgement also to all the Airline Companies, because of their Airfare promotions and cheaper rates, even the public can afford to purchase because of its good deals. We can now travel and visit all the tourist attractions, virgin forest and islands that the Philippines is rich of. A beauty of nature and it's people is a memory to be cherished. Filipino's are naturally a happy people, you can always see a smile in their face, very polite, accommodating, friendly, hardworking and fun to be with. Tourist's not only love the Country, the Food but also the People that they met as they journey to explore the beauty of the Philippines.

As the saying says, "We shouldn't be a foreigner in our own Country." Let's all join hands in promoting and helping our department of tourism in the simplest way that we can. We should also keep i mind that we are not just helping the government but we are helping our native people to have jobs one of which could be as a Tour Guide or from buying the Souvenirs that they made. Like this blog site, it's the simplest way that I can do to help our Filipino people and to help our country, Philippines.

It's trully more fun in the Philippines!!!


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